
MUSAS Perú makes short educational videos on a variety of sexuality and sexual health topics and posts them on youtube to provide much-needed information. We also give video presentations throughout Peru in women’s prisons, schools, universities, and community centers as a way to open up discussions on sex, sexuality, and sexual health.

Videos on sexual diversity and health care needs of LGTBI patients:

1. "Gay Peruano": Common errors sexual health care professionals make in their interviews with gay patients
2. "Súper gay": An example of a good interview between a doctor and gay patient
3. "Tarjeta Roja": Common errors sexual health care professionals make in their interviews with lesbian patients
4. "Médicos a su Cervixio": An example of a good interview between a doctor and lesbian patient.
5. "Transperuano": Common errors sexual health care professionals make in their interviews with transgender patients
6. "Trans formando": An example of a good interview between a doctor and transgender patient

Videos on feminism and sexual diversity:

1. "Soy feminista": Short interviews with various Peruvian feminists who explain what feminism means for them.
2. "Diversidad Sexual en Perú": Short profiles of different LGTBI Peruvians and their reality of being queer in Perú.

Future videos on STIs and how to prevent them

Future videos on women’s health care needs:

1. Female sexual anatomy and care (toys)
2. How to perform a breast self-exam
3. Demonstration of a female pelvic exam, including visualization of the cervix during the speculum portion of the exam
4. Video diary of 28 days of a cervix during a woman’s menstrual cycle

Watch our videos in Youtube: